
The employee experience of tomorrow with Colisée, Elior and Pôle Emploi

Bruno Barbe
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On September 28, 2023, the 17th edition of the Service Academy's annual symposium was held. Better World, which had already taken part in the 16th edition, was this time co-organizer of the event!

The Académie du Service symposium: the benchmark event in employee and customer experience

Since 2006, L'Académie du Service has been organizing a free one-morning annual symposium, open to all managers, executives and professionals involved in the customer and employee experience. Each year, a theme is chosen, in line with the Service Academy's core concept of Symmetry of Attentions©. During this half-day event, this theme is discussed through testimonials, masterclasses and round tables.

Employee experience and promotion of professions and people

The theme of the 2023 edition was: "Tomorrow's employee experience: let's revalue the notion of work to satisfy customers." 

The choice of this topic is explained by the times we're living through: employees are feeling disengaged, companies are finding it hard to recruit, and are facing issues such as quiet-quitting. The National Barometer of Symmetry of Attentions© carried out by the Académie du Service in partnership with Better World shows that employee satisfaction has collapsed by twelve points compared to 2022. It was therefore urgent to address this issue.

How is the Colisée Group coping with an aging population and the need to resign?

The morning opened with a talk by Raphaël Enthoven, during which the audience enjoyed his speech on the question "Is happiness at work a managerial responsibility? His answer, in essence, was that, since everyone has their own definition of happiness, the company should not decide what constitutes happiness, but rather provide employees with the freedom they need to fulfill their potential.

The second intervention saw Ms Christine Jandel, President of the Colisée EHPAD group, exchange views with Daniel Ritter, President of Better World, around the question: "Population aging and Great resignation - how does the well-aging sector reconcile this paradox?"

According to Ms. Jandel, EHPAD jobs have some difficult aspects: they are highly regulated, with no telecommuting and long working hours. But they are also jobs with very strong bonds, and for which the feeling of being useful is very important. Colisée has sought to better understand what its residents, their families and its employees think, through the continuous collection of patient verbatims. To achieve this, the company chose Better World for itsArtificial Intelligence data collection andanalysis tools. 

For Colisée's president, this means understanding what her teams are going through and maintaining their satisfaction by helping them to give meaning back to their work and providing them with appropriate resources. This attention to employees is then passed on to the residents, in accordance with the principle of Symmetry of Attentions© , which states that a happy team will result in a happy resident.

Elior France: when consideration and team commitment take on their full meaning

Cécile Bianconi, Director of Customer Relations and Experience at Elior France, interviewed by Valérie Bignon of the Académie du Service, talked to us about how Elior manages to instill in its employees pride in their job and in doing it well.

His method? 

  • The definition of three "pillar" attitudes to be instilled in employees: being communicative, being commercial and being attentive. These attitudes are passed on to teams and managers through training. Managers must also be exemplary in these attitudes, in order to embody them in their teams.
  • A team of 8 trainers, Elior veterans who have been trained to pass on this service culture, are responsible for spreading it.
  • Communicating positive customer feedback to teams. Elior passes on positive feedback to its teams and values all roles, such as dishwashers, who are often invisible but very important because they are the customer's last contact before leaving.

And it works! The verbatims collected from employees show that they feel proud and valued by their company, and that they are aware of their essential role in customer satisfaction.

Pôle emploi: transforming jobseekers' expectations

For the 4th presentation, Chrystelle Miot, Director of Service Quality at Pôle Emploi, talked to Coralie Vidal about the changes her administration is undergoing for jobseekers and employees alike.

At a time when employers are finding it hard to recruit, Pôle Emploi is seeking to implement a co-construction and support approach for jobseekers. Through immersion or exercises such as recruitment by simulation (to detect unsuspected skills), advisors confront jobseekers' expectations with the job market and, above all, seek to open up the field of possibilities.

To provide jobseekers with the best possible support, Pôle Emploi is also looking to give its employees more autonomy, in line with a performance-through-trust approach. These can propose innovative solutions, such as a workshop that has been called "from the stadium to the job", where recruiters and jobseekers first meet without knowing who is who around sports activities, then do recruitment sessions after getting to know each other.

As part of this same approach, says Ms Miot, employees have access to a vast amount of information from Pôle Emploi, including verbatims collected from jobseekers (some of which, complaints, are analyzed by Better World). Employees can view and respond to complaints concerning their own branch, giving them a sense of responsibility and feedback on their work. Teams are also involved in decision-making, agency projects and direction.

Symmetry of Attentions© in action with Agesys, Cofidis France and Roole

For the final presentation, three companies holding the Symétrie des Attentions© "Happy Team, Happy Customers" label came to talk about their employee experience practices:

  • Agesys has introduced recognition programs such as the participative bonus (€150 to be distributed to reward the work of colleagues) and the investment questionnaire (self-assessment of one's investment in the company to earn benefits), which have helped to significantly reduce turnover to just 2%.
  • Cofidis France has trained its managers to engage in problem-solving and the sharing of best practices. More recently, some fifty employees have been trained in the use of facilitation, with collective intelligence methods that encourage the resolution of dysfunctions. The company also offers three days a year for solidarity initiatives.
  • Roole innovated by doing away with variable pay, promoting collective development and encouraging managers to work to each employee's strengths. A second measure implemented was the empowerment of teams in sales actions.

The three companies were then asked about the benefits of the label: an external eye, a guarantee of seriousness for employees and customers, and recognition for the work of customer-facing teams.

To conclude the symposium, Daniel Ritter and Jean-Jacques Gressier were pleased to announce the renewal of the Symmetry of Attentions© label for Cofidis France, for the third year running, demonstrating the company's commitment to customer and employee satisfaction.

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