
Testimony of Lilia Bouazza, HR Project Manager at Argenteuil Hospital

Mélanie Pierre
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The importance of fluid, transparent communication within an organization cannot be underestimated, especially in complex environments such as healthcare establishments. We are fortunate to work with the CH d'Argenteuil, a hospital determined to understand and improve the quality of working life for its staff. Their story is a perfect illustration of how our platform has improved communication and engagement issues,

The Challenge: Understanding Staff Concerns

Our customer faced a major challenge: understanding the concerns of its employees. Thanks to our platform, hospital staff were able to share their concerns, ideas and comments anonymously.

Highlighting the issues surrounding the transmission of information

"Thanks to the platform, we identified a problem of understanding about careers, working hours, payroll and training", told us Lilia Bouazza, HR Project Manager. The verbatims we collected highlighted some grey areas in the hospital's internal HR communication. To solve this problem, the Argenteuil hospital's HR department, in conjunction with our Better World teams, decided to organize an event to clarify HR issues: "HR Week".

The Solution: "HR Week

HR Week" was an initiative aimed at improving understanding of career, working time, compensation and training issues. During the week, a room in the hospital was transformed into a place of exchange, where the HR team met to discuss these crucial topics.

During the week, a general presentation was followed by the installation of stands dedicated to each theme. The aim was to create a link and provide clear explanations to hospital employees.

Aller Plus Loin : Supports et Dépliants

"We realized that we needed to go one step further, so that our employees could retain the information," says Lilia. As a result, informative materials and leaflets have been created for each subject. These documents have been placed on a rack which is easily accessible to agents, who can consult them at any time.

Eloquent results : Fewer Verbatims

The results speak for themselves. Since the introduction of "HR Week" and these materials, our customer has noticed a clear reduction in the number of verbatims concerning these issues on our platform. Hospital staff are now better informed.

On the strength of this successful experience, CH d'Argenteuil is planning to use this method again on other subjects. Not only has the platform helped to address a crucial issue, it has also inspired new initiatives aimed at continuously improving communication and engagement within the organization.

The CH d'Argenteuil story is a real success story of how our platform can be used to solve communication problems, improve quality of working life, and inspire positive change within the organization. If you're looking to transform your business or healthcare facility in the same way, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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