
How Better World is helping to improve the state of hospitals in France

André Tonic
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On the occasion of our move to Future4Care, Daniel Ritter, our CEO, presents Better World's positioning in the world of healthcare.

Better World is a pioneer inlistening to patients and healthcare practitioners. In France, each facility generates between 5 and 20,000 verbatims per year, which our company has been processing since its inception. This equates to over 1.5 million verbatims analyzed in this sector alone, from more than 600 establishments.

In addition to AI analysis, Better World has set up a QR code collection tool that enables "on-the-spot" listening to patients and healthcare staff, anywhere in the facility.

In the coming months, Better World will embark on an international trajectory, with expansion planned in the UK and Germany, among other countries.

Watch the pitch video in full on YouTube.

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