
Which channels should be used for transactional questionnaires?

Younes Berradia
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Transactional questionnaires are essential tools for assessing satisfaction, applicable to all industries. Transactional satisfaction surveys offer several advantages:

  1. Continuous monitoring: every interaction between a person and an organization becomes an opportunity to measure satisfaction, ensuring regular follow-up at every stage of the journey, at every level.
  2. Simplicity and richness: with regular questioning, questionnaires can be limited to a few questions, reducing the perceived effort for respondents while providing rich feedback in just a few minutes.
  3. Loyalty: questionnaires become loyalty vectors, engaging respondents in the continuous improvement of perceived service (newsletters presenting actions taken, rewards, etc.).

Whether you're new to transactional approaches, or a seasoned veteran, this article provides tips on how to effectively deploy transactional surveys with your audience.

Automation via Digital Channels

The interactions of customers (patients, etc.) with organizations are becoming increasingly digitalized, providing a record that can be exploited to improve and optimize the service provided. Whether through a loyalty program, an online account, or a digitalized patient medical record, organizations are able to design complete customer journeys and automate actions at every stage.

An example of this kind of automation is the e-mailing of a satisfaction questionnaire specific to the stage of the journey the respondent has just completed. On-the-spot satisfaction measurement provides an immediate overview of the respondent's state of mind, enabling rapid action to improve satisfaction over the long term.

These actions, whether automated or ad hoc, help to smooth out the bad experiences and enrich the good ones. Most CRM tools allow you to configure these automations, and Better World offers collection approaches that interface with these tools to collect, analyze and suggest winning actions that are easy to implement!

QR codes for surveys without contacting respondents

Automation based on a contact directory works perfectly for respondents that an organization knows how to identify. However, this sample population is not complete, and the rest of the population that can be surveyed cannot be reached.

The resurgence of QR codes in recent years provides a simple solution to this challenge: they enable surveys to be distributed without prior registration of respondents.

Let's take the example of a customer in a supermarket who doesn't have a loyalty card. A QR code printed on a sticker at the checkout would encourage this customer to share his or her opinion of the experience, with just a few clicks and anonymously. Checkout teams can even be trained to actively encourage customers to share their feedback.

QR codes can also embed dynamic information about the person being surveyed, or about their experience, depending on the QR code display medium. In the example above, if the customer uses a self-checkout machine, the amount of the basket could be embedded with the answer sent by the customer, without asking him/her again in the survey. This enables segmentation of the responses collected according to basket size, creating a finer understanding and processing of any problems reported.

Better World is developing such approaches in a growing number of organizations, enabling precise targeting of strengths and areas for improvement across the respondent journey, while minimizing the perceived effort of sending responses. Contact us to share your use case, and we'll be delighted to deploy our solutions for you!

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