
Our Product 2023 retrospective

Younes Berradia
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With the end of the year approaching, we're beginning, as many are, to set goals for 2024, and plan milestones to reach them. It's time for us to take stock of what we've achieved this year, and we've decided to share our 2023 Product Retrospective with you!

More detailed analyses

Our analysis platform leverages data annotated by our Artificial Intelligence algorithms. These algorithms extract a satisfaction score, the sentiment, and one or more themes mentioned in the collected verbatim. This information is visible at the level of the verbatim extract in our search engine.

Analyses provide an overview of Customer Experience KPIs (resp. Patient Experience or Employee Experience...) through numerous interactive graphs and visualizations. This year, we have added "Tags" to the collected data, to gain a level of finesse to the statistics displayed in our analyses. Tags " enable statistics to be filtered along more dimensions, such as age groups, customer paths (resp. Patient, Employee, ...), ..., thus improving the impact and follow-up of actions taken thanks to analyses.

An intelligent alert system

Setting up alerts on our platform enables our users to react quickly to disruptions in satisfaction metrics. A set of filters and conditions can be defined for an alert, to make it as specific as possible. We have enhanced this alert system by incorporating a new, fully configurable trigger:Predictive Tags. Let's imagine you want to trigger an alert when a collected review mentions the subject of violence: it is now possible to activate an automatic annotation of collected verbatims to indicate whether or not they mention acts of violence. This feature can be extended to all conceivable alert subjects (fear, hygiene, harassment, etc.). Alerts are then configured so that the right action is taken as quickly as possible.

New metrics for competitive analysis

Without points of comparison, tracking satisfaction statistics over time gives a good indication of the performance of measures implemented to improve the Customer Experience (resp. Patient, Employee, ...). However, competitive analyses provide access to otherwise invisible contextual information. Whether in-house, or with competing activities, our platform provides our users with visualizations configured for competitive analysis, which we have enhanced with a new metric: Extract Shares. The extract share of a theme is an indicator of the presence of this theme in all the extracts collected. This metric thus provides an unbiased view of the volumes collected, facilitating comparison between activities.

A space for managing and monitoring fundraising campaigns

A Gathering Campaign is a tool that perfectly complements "classic" sources of Customer Experience verbatim (resp. Patient, Employee, ...). Campaigns give a target audience the opportunity to share feedback on their Experience across a variety of topics, in an unguided and free manner.

This year, we deployed a campaign management space that allows our users to :

  • Create and manage links to access the application, whether in the form of QR Codes or URLs accessible on all types of device. The creation of multiple links makes it possible to segment collected responses and automatically embed a certain number of characteristics in them
  • Track volumes and satisfaction scores live, annotate responses to decide on actions to be taken, and export visuals to animate meetings or integrate them into communications with teams in contact with Customers (resp. Patients, Employees, ...).

A glimpse of 2024

Our goal for 2024 is to continue innovating to help organizations build better Experiences, by deploying features that enable our users to optimize their time and the impact of their actions. We intend to provide more communication capabilities around the actions carried out, and on the verbatims collected, to complete our alert system to enable our users to react more quickly, and to continue to strengthen our Collection Campaigns.

We're delighted to have made this journey with you in 2023 (which, by the way, is not yet over for the Product team), and we look forward to spending 2024 at your side!

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